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Computer F.A.Q.: Microsoft PowerPoint

This guide has the answers to some of the Library's frequently asked computer questions. This includes common formatting and printing questions.

Microsoft Office 365

NSCC is part of a program that provides students with a free copy of Microsoft Office 365 for use on their personal computers.

Follow this link for instructions for Microsoft Office 365 installation

Printing Multiple Slides per Page

Most instructors will provide you with a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that they discuss in class. If you want to print the slide for later reference, you probably don't want to print them each on their own page. PowerPoint has a few different print options to print out your slides. 

Notice the setting that is currently highlighted red. This setting is where you can choose how many slides are printed per page. The default is Full Page Slides. There are options for one smaller slide per page, perfect for taking note on, or even a page with 3 slides and note taking lines on it. 

There are even options for how the slides are read. Choose the options best for your situation and hit Print.

Bullet Points

Bullet points are a good way to highlight your talking points on a slide. PowerPoint has several different bullet point options available in the Paragraph box on the Home tab.

Click the small down arrow to open up the Bullet Point options. Here you can choose a different image for the bullet point. Options include an arrow, open circle, and a hollow square.

Once you click a bullet point type, PowerPoint will automatically put a bullet point at the beginning of the line you are on even if you have already begun typing. In addition to moving you to a new line, hitting enter will also place a bullet point at the beginning of the new line.

If you have a sub point, you can use use the Tab key to shift the bullet point over. You can also use the increase and decrease indent buttons to adjust your bullet points.

To turn on Bullet points you can either click the Bullet Point button again, or you can click the backspace key at the beginning of a bullet point line.

Change Slide Background

PowerPoint has a number of different themes you can choose from to customize your presentation. These themes are located on the Design tab. 

If however, you are interested in having an image for the background of your slides, then rather than choosing a theme you will want to click on the Format Background button. 

This will open up a dialog box that will let you adjust the background. In addition to changing the color or pattern, you can choose to set a picture as your background by selecting the option and then inserting the picture.